Thursday, August 21, 2014

Off colour

So feeling a little thought spirally today. Thoughts are all around the place. I feel like I should be occupying my mind with more important things like my studies or fashion as an art (I currently understand fashion based on high fashion brands and visuals. I'm not too educated on the subject of fashion history itself.). I feel like over-thinking is a subconscious hobby of mine. It's a waste of mind space generally. I'm just annoyed at myself at the moment and I just need a place to complain.


PS: I think my blog is becoming a wall of complaints. Oh well.

Friday, August 15, 2014


Just chilling in my cave. About 11 days left to trials and I'm on a level 'unprepped' that's unimaginably high and I just can't seem to get myself together. I need a hit in the face or just to get mauled by a bear. I'm sick of this. Time to hit self against wall until I obtain  new self.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Bad camera, bad flash

So I found my Kodak EasyShare M420 yesterday on my table and decided to go round snapping pics with flash. It is very much known that flash screws up pictures and well, I decided to take a bunch of bad pictures with my camera and post them up. This is a general depiction of what my Wednesday nights look like but in bad lighting. Enjoy?

Random study desk photo.

My sister trying to make her 'The Who' t-shirt look 'distressed' as she calls it.

I actually had another picture of my Walkman but I couldn't find it. I hope this makes up for my many picture-less posts. Bye guise.
