Thursday, October 30, 2014

Sayonara Seafield

Prom's long gone, and I have officially succeeded in blending in with the walls. Well SPM's on the way and I am screwed. Why am I even here? Well excited for this period to end, I feel like I'm counting the days till I get released from jail. Though high school has definitely been an experience, I don't know how to sum it up. Many people might say "High school has changed me so much as a person and I am forever grateful #highschool #forlife #ilovemyclass" or "High school's over, F- YES!" but honestly I don't know how I feel about leaving. It's like thank the heavens I will never have to see you basic faces ever again with a dash of I'm gonna cry and a sprinkle of OMG I'm gonna play Sims 4 after SPM. Kinda reminds me of the one time my mom made soup out of all the almost rotten food in our fridge. How the soup and high school relate, no clue. But two things I feel that I've taken from high school, are never make stupid decisions, cos when you do, you're screwed and always do sound checks if you're in charge of something related to a PA system (ALWAYS). So that's it, may I fair well next week in what my teachers call 'Medan Peperangan SPM'. 


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

To infinity and beyond

Prom this Friday. France Student Exchange Programme isn't happening. SPM in 20 days. I am definitely panicking about the last thing. Though I feel like I'm sitting leisurely in a house that's on fire. I fear the danger of putting my life at risk but I like how the flames benignly brush my skin like a warm hug from a dear friend.  Prom is something I'm definitely excited about. I've been waiting for it since last year, and asked my best friend to be my date at the end of December last year. Well, it's in three days now and I must say I'm just filled with a huge amount of excitement and a little bit of sorrow, because it's one of the last events we'll have at school. Kinda makes you realise that high school is done and SPM is the next checkpoint out of this really long and agonising trip. I have to say as much as high school was never the best thing ever, it was nice having people around to live it out with. Makes me think of the future and how we may never keep in contact. Scares me that all these friendships are at risk of ending cos our journey ended. It's not that I don't want the journey to end. I just don't want the friendships to. I feel like I will end up bawling at the end of the night cos I'm just gonna miss everyone so much even though it's not the end of school yet. As for the student exchange thing, we win some, we lose some, so I guess I'm not too bummed about it. At least I'll get to get my driver's license, get internships, go to college, and maybe just focus on studying and my career and all that junk. Feeling like we're growing up to fast and I just wanna revisit the time when I could just suck my toes and no one would ever judge me.
