Wednesday, November 20, 2013

So far.

So far my holidays have been fine. The month of November is coming to a close which means I'll be turning 16 in two weeks and also that the dreaded year of 2014 is coming round the mountain. Though I hope things will take a turn for the better next year. I hope for new endeavours and hopefully good encounters. I'm well aware that the world/year/month/week won't determine my future. Some what like how many people like to say "2014 please treat me well". I mean 2014 is not gonna treat you well unless you make the effort to treat yourself well. I know it's obvious and people just say it for the heck of it but seriously, the only person that can make a difference in your life is you and God and no one else! The only way you are going to get a pamper treatment from 2014 is if you treat yourself well. To me everyday is the same whether is 2014 or 2020. Life still carries on and the world keeps orbitting the Sun. So enough of that, and more of what's going on in my never not mundane life.

So I've reached a miraculous number of Lizzie McGuire episodes and falling in love with Gordo every single episode, wishing so much that I will meet an exact replica of him one day. (Physically and personality wise) Other then Lizzie McGuire my days are spent decluttering my room and basically social media. Though watching Lizzie McGuire has made me realise that I don't have to give in to peer pressure or care what other people think of me. I mean I've known that all this while and never really gave in to peer pressure that much but I have to admit I give in to the basic image of what the media depicts as the perfect physique or the perfect face. I mean it makes you feel like crap knowing that you'll never get enough money to cut your flaws out of your face or body so you'll look like what the magazines tell you to look like. (I know this sounds super girly girl I want to look like a model but I can't kinda situation but I'm gonna say it anyway) Though Gordo reminds me that it doesn't matter if I like the things I like or if I look a certain way. All that matters is that I'm happy and I'm doing the right thing. So yea, it's also nice to bring myself back to the times where teenagers were less complicated and less caught up in social media.


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